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The Team

Who We Are

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Katyna TruVal, ND, MPH

Naturopathic Physician & Medical Director

Dr. Katyna TruVal, MPH, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Physician who provides personalized, integrative, and holistic primary care for all ages and genders. She is committed to listening and seeing patients as a whole person made up of their own unique mind, body, and story – past present and future. She investigates thoroughly to get to the bottom of what is causing patients’ symptoms. She provides options and explanations to help patients choose the best fitting treatment for their goals, lifestyle, and resources. Most importantly, she is an advocate for patients and the wellness she believes they deserve, in a complicated and flawed healthcare system.


Dr. Kat treats patients struggling with women’s health issues, digestive issues, hormones dysfunctions, mood/mental health concerns, fatigue, weight management, pain, sexual dysfunction, chronic illnesses, acute illnesses, and adjunctive pre-natal care and infertility.


Andy DuVal

Clinic Director

Movement Specialist & Coach

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