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Bioidentical Hormones & Evexipel Pellet Therapy

Hormone therapy is the use of hormones to treat and restore hormone balance within the human body. Hormone imbalance can occur for a variety of reasons, but is most commonly associated with aging. Symptoms of hormone imbalance that are effectively treated with hormone replacement therapy include hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, anxiety, weight gain, muscle loss, joint pain, poor sleep, and more


The EvexiPEL Method is a form of hormone replacement therapy that uses pellets containing bio–identical hormones. These pellets are about the size of a grain of rice and are inserted just beneath the skin during a simple in–office procedure. Once inserted, the pellets release a consistent dose of hormones over the course of several months, providing sustained relief from symptoms of hormone imbalance

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The EvexiPEL Method

The EvexiPEL Method is a form of hormone replacement therapy that uses pellets containing bio–identical hormones. These pellets are about the size of a grain of rice and are inserted just beneath the skin during a simple in–office procedure. Once inserted, the pellets release a consistent dose of hormones over the course of several months, providing sustained relief from symptoms of hormone imbalance

Synthetic Versus Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The natural ingredients combined with the molecular match allows bioidentical hormones to fit into human hormone receptors exactly as naturally-occurring hormones. This feature ensures the safety and efficacy of the treatment. With synthetic hormones, the molecular structure is merely similar, causing the body to struggle with recognition of the substance and, therefore, causing side effects and poor outcomes. 


In the past, most research into hormone therapy focused on synthetic hormones, but as the effectiveness of bioidentical hormone therapy has become renowned, researchers are turning their attention to BHRT.


Bioidentical hormones have been heralded as a natural hormone therapy option and are effective for disease prevention as well as eliminating uncomfortable symptoms that often occur as part of the aging process. 


Most famously, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) suggested that hormone therapy was dangerous. At the time, this was the largest-ever study on hormone therapy. It was designed to compare the efficacy of estrogen-only therapy and a combination of progesterone and estrogen therapies. For the study, researchers used synthetic hormones and many of the participants were of advanced age and higher risk of disease before the study began. These factors led many experts to review the study and uncover flaws in the methodologies used. These reviews have led large medical organizations, experts, and communities to revise previous policies against the use of hormone therapy.


Today, the known benefits of hormone replacement therapy are numerous and it is believed to be the best treatment option for hormone imbalance and prevention of disease. 

New research has also linked the use of bioidentical hormone therapy to better outcomes, finding that patients have fewer side effects along with enhanced benefits.


More information coming soon

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